Are you intrigued by the dynamic and exhilarating world of parkour? Have you ever watched parkour athletes leap, vault, and flip through urban landscapes and wondered if you could do the same? Look no further! “Learn Parkour In 60 Days From Professional Parkour Athletes!” is a meticulously designed 60-day program, tailored to transform beginners into skilled parkour practitioners under the expert guidance of professional parkour athletes. For those interested in parkour, you may also like an article about insane parkour jumps.

The Challenges That Keep Most from Learning Parkour

Learning parkour and reaching one’s full potential in this discipline remains a challenge for the majority of individuals. Several key reasons contribute to why most people don’t fully embrace parkour:

  • Lack of Proper Instruction: Many aspiring parkour enthusiasts struggle due to a lack of proper guidance. Without adequate instruction, they may develop incorrect techniques, neglect essential muscle conditioning, and spend years trying to master what could be learned in a matter of days. This frustration often leads them to quit, especially when they see others progressing more quickly;
  • Injuries Derail Progress: Improper form, insufficient knowledge about rest and recovery, and a failure to gradually build skills can result in injuries that disrupt one’s parkour journey. Chronic injuries or a significant incident can force individuals to step back from training, undermining their progress and motivation;
  • Overcoming Fear is a Challenge: Some individuals find it challenging to overcome the fear associated with trying new parkour moves. Without the right techniques to conquer fear and remove mental blocks, they remain trapped in a state of apprehension, hindering their development;
  • Underestimating the Required Effort: Parkour may seem effortless when seen in videos or performed by experienced practitioners navigating their surroundings with ease. However, like any other skill, mastering parkour demands dedication, self-discipline, and a strong work ethic. It’s not like a video game with instant rewards; instead, it takes months and years of consistent effort to learn and progress. Those who genuinely want to excel in parkour are willing to invest their time and resources in their journey. Unfortunately, many individuals fail to make this full commitment and eventually drift away from the discipline.

Essential Elements for Mastering Parkour

Mastering parkour requires a few essential elements to ensure you’re on the right track. Here’s a straightforward checklist of what you need to successfully learn parkour:

  • Comprehensive Guidance: Obtain a comprehensive guide that teaches you the safe and progressive approach to mastering each parkour move. This guidance not only expedites your learning process but also ensures you grasp the proper form quickly;
  • Proper Conditioning Techniques: Many individuals lack the knowledge of how to condition their bodies effectively, even those with advanced parkour skills. It’s crucial to learn the right conditioning techniques to build the necessary strength. Mistakes here can lead to the development of the wrong muscle groups or, even worse, no progress at all;
  • Structured Training Schedule: A well-structured training schedule is indispensable. It eliminates any confusion about which days to dedicate to conditioning, parkour training, rest, or learning specific moves. A clear schedule keeps you on the right path;
  • Dedication and Hard Work: Parkour demands a strong work ethic and unwavering commitment. You’ll need to invest consistent effort, overcome mental barriers, push yourself during workouts, and navigate the inevitable roadblocks that come your way. In doing so, not only will you learn parkour, but you’ll also witness personal growth, both physically and mentally, along the journey.

Embracing the World of Parkour

An individual does a handstand against a white wall in a parking garage

Like many individuals exploring the world of physical prowess and agility, the allure of stunt performance and acrobatics has captivated many from a young age. Popular cultural icons like the Ninja Turtles and the action-packed Jackie Chan movies have often ignited dreams of mastering complete body control and becoming a formidable force, akin to a ninja.

At the age of 15, an unexpected discovery reshaped the outlook for those with a shared interest in parkour. A video surfaced showcasing a person in France executing astounding feats: scaling towering walls, traversing buildings with graceful bounds, and navigating obstacles seamlessly, seemingly defying the laws of physics.

Upon witnessing this captivating exhibition, a collective realization emerged—a deep yearning to acquire these skills and emulate the remarkable abilities witnessed in the video. However, an imposing obstacle loomed for those interested in parkour:

  • The absence of any prior background in disciplines such as gymnastics, martial arts, or acrobatics;
  • Uncertainty about where to commence the journey;
  • The lack of available mentors or accessible guidance;
  • A scarcity of dedicated training facilities;
  • Limited experience in physical activities, primarily encompassing rudimentary sports like cross-country running and soccer.

In this context, individuals sought guidance and information through the vast realm of the internet. They scoured websites dedicated to parkour and watched numerous YouTube tutorials. While some sources offered valuable insights, others provided only moderate assistance, leaving a void in comprehensive instruction and guidance.

This dearth of detailed information contributed to mounting frustration, exacerbating the initial challenges faced by aspiring parkour enthusiasts. Furthermore, online searches continually led to videos of individuals of similar age or even younger, displaying impressive parkour skills and feats.

At times, the notion crept in that parkour might remain beyond the reach of those who lacked prior experience or access to expert instruction.

Nevertheless, a refusal to surrender prevailed. As a community, they resolved to persevere, with a shared commitment to learning parkour by any available means. A collective pursuit of understanding the intricacies of human physiology, muscle development, and cognitive processes related to learning new movements commenced.

Through rigorous experimentation, dedicated practice, and fearless exploration, this community endeavored to master parkour, defying fear and doubt on their collective journey.

What You’ll Gain from this Course

In this course, you’ll acquire the following essential parkour skills:

  • Efficiently Scaling 8ft Walls: Learn to ascend 8ft walls in a matter of seconds;
  • Safe High-Drop Technique: Master a method that enables you to handle drops of up to 10ft with an impact equivalent to a standard jumping jack;
  • Assassin’s Creed-Style Rail Jumping: Perform precision jumps and strides, effortlessly leaping from rail to rail;
  • Enhanced Vertical Leap and Broad Jump: Develop techniques to boost your vertical leap and broad jump, enabling you to cover significant gaps with ease;
  • Seamless Vaulting: Master various vault techniques, including Kong vault, dash vault, speed vault, dive kong, double kong, kash vault, lazy vault, reverse vault, turn vault, safety vault, and gate vault;
  • Wall Leaping Mastery: Learn to move back and forth across vertical walls with confidence, utilizing the tac and cat leap techniques;
  • Railing Swing Proficiency: Swing through railings with finesse using the underbar and reverse underbar techniques;
  • Muscle and Joint-Building Workouts: Engage in workouts designed to strengthen your muscles and joints efficiently;
  • Fast-Track Drills: Implement drills that expedite your learning process, ensuring you grasp the moves swiftly;
  • Gradual Skill Progression: Discover safe and gradual methods to approach each move, minimizing fear and the risk of injury.

Is This Course Suitable for You?

  • All Ages Welcome: This system accommodates individuals of all ages, ranging from as young as 6 to as mature as 73. The emphasis is on building strength and mastering basic movements gradually and safely, at your own pace;
  • No Prior Athletic Background Necessary: You don’t need any prior experience in sports or disciplines like gymnastics or martial arts. Even if you lack a background in physical activities, this course is still suitable;
  • All Physical Levels Embraced: Regardless of your current physical fitness level, you can use this program to learn parkour. You’ll discover how to shed excess weight, build lean muscle, and perfect the moves;
  • Height Is Not a Limitation: Your height is not a hindrance. In fact, it can be advantageous for various movements, such as wall runs and long jumps;
  • No Gym Membership Required: All workouts and drills can be performed in your backyard or at a local park, eliminating the need for a gym membership;
  • Strong Work Ethic Essential: While this course reveals the secrets and techniques of learning parkour, your commitment to investing time and hard work is crucial. Without dedication, the journey will be challenging to navigate.

Inside the Crash Course Into Parkour

Discover what’s included in the Crash Course Into Parkour:

Module #1: Parkour Conditioning

This e-book unveils the secrets to building muscle and provides precise workout routines that complement your parkour training, ensuring efficient muscle growth. This is a critical area where many beginners often stumble. Your success in parkour is heavily reliant on the conditioning you undergo, contributing to an 80% improvement in your jumps, speed, and power.

Module #2: Parkour Moves

Access detailed video tutorials covering all the fundamental parkour moves. Here’s a list of the moves you’ll master: Basic Landing, Parkour Roll, Precision Jump, Stride Precision, Tac, Cat Leap, Wall Run, Kong Vault, Dash Vault, Lazy Vault, Turn Vault, Reverse Vault, Safety Vault, Speed Vault, Kash Vault, Dive Kong, Double Kong, Gate Vaults, Underbar, and Reverse Underbar.

Module #3: Parkour Drills

This e-book equips you with essential drills to incorporate into your parkour training, enhancing your skills and preparing you for real-life challenges. These drills are the key to accelerating your mastery of parkour moves, reducing the learning curve from years to mere weeks.

Module #4: Parkour Training Schedule

Wondering how many days to train and which exercises to perform? Balancing between overtraining and undertraining is crucial. This 3-month parkour training schedule provides clear guidance for each day, eliminating the guesswork. You’ll never have to worry about not knowing which exercises to do or how frequently to train. It’s a straightforward guide to help you learn parkour quickly.

The best part? There’s no waiting for physical materials to arrive in the mail. You can instantly download everything to your computer and begin your parkour journey right away!

The Real Facts About Parkour

A man performs a one-handed handstand in a sunlit urban setting

In the world of parkour, “SAFETY” is a fundamental concept that deserves the utmost attention. A prevalent misconception suggests that parkour revolves around taking daring risks, leaping from towering buildings, performing flips on concrete, and courting serious injuries.

It’s understandable why some may hold this belief, as it’s often portrayed in TV shows and movies. But let’s set the record straight: Parkour is not about recklessness. Instead, it’s about building physical strength, cultivating discipline, and boosting your confidence. All of this takes place within a supportive community of like-minded individuals dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.

Parkour starts small and within your comfort zone, with gradual progression being the key. The learning process shares similarities with gymnastics and other sports. Just as you wouldn’t step into a gymnastics gym and immediately attempt high-bar flips on your first day, parkour begins with building flexibility, strength, and mastering basic movements like front rolls and swings. Over time, with consistent training, you gradually work your way up to more advanced moves.

Proper technique and form are absolutely crucial from the outset of your parkour training. Training with incorrect technique can lead to severe injuries and long-term chronic issues.

For example, let’s take the basic landing technique. The ideal landing involves stacking your joints, landing on the balls of your feet, absorbing the impact by bending your knees and hips (ensuring your knees don’t extend beyond 90 degrees), maintaining a straight back, and leaning forward while absorbing the impact with your hands if necessary.

Any deviation from this technique, such as landing on your heels instead of the balls of your feet, will prevent proper force absorption. This can result in the transmission of excessive force through your body, potentially leading to back pain, heel bruises, slipped discs, and eventually chronic back pain over time.

Think about those moments when you miss a step at the end of a staircase, and upon impact with the ground, you experience an uncomfortable jolt through your body. This occurs because you fail to absorb the force correctly. Landing on your heel or flat-footed, not bending your knees, and absorbing the force improperly can direct it straight through your leg into your spine and internal organs.

Now imagine experiencing that jolt from a mere 4-inch drop. Picture the consequences of experiencing that level of force from heights of 10 feet or more. Indeed, such force with poor technique can lead to SERIOUS injuries. You could end up with broken bones, blown-out knees, torn ligaments, or a painful combination of all three. To ensure safety, it’s imperative to master proper technique and solidify it through training in low-risk environments initially—such as small edges, low drops, or on grass or a soft gym floor.


The skill and discipline of parkour offer not only exhilarating physical challenge but also personal development. It’s a journey that requires commitment, determination, and proper guidance. A journey that can transform you, boosting your confidence, resilience, and discipline while equipping you with a unique set of physical skills. You don’t need a particular physical background, advanced fitness level, or special equipment. With a detailed guide like ‘Crash Course Into Parkour’, effective muscle conditioning, systematic training schedule, and a solid work ethic, anyone can master the art of parkour. Remember, parkour isn’t about reckless stunts or risk-taking; it’s about building strength, discipline, and confidence in a safe and progressive manner. Embark on this exciting journey and conquer the world of parkour!