Often seen in high-octane martial arts movies, one move always stands out for its dynamic blend of agility, strength, and style – the Kip Up, a classic Ninja move. This visually arresting technique allows a downwarded martial artist to spring back swiftly onto their feet in a single fluid motion. Continuing with the theme of mastering ninja moves, let’s shift our focus to mastering the art of flips in parkour.

Despite its complex appearance, learning the Kip Up isn’t as daunting as it seems. It’s a move heavily reliant on technique and form, and with the right approach, can be mastered within a short time. Perfecting this move can add an edge to your martial arts abilities, amplifying your combat fitness and agility.

Method 1: Starting Face-Up

Are you ready to learn how to achieve a face-up start? Follow these step-by-step instructions to perfect this technique:

  • Begin by lying flat on your back. Maintain a neutral position with your legs extended straight out and your arms comfortably extended by your sides;
  • Bring your legs up towards your chest. You can choose to bend your knees or, if you’re particularly flexible, keep them straight;
  • Place your hands flat on the ground, next to your ears, with your fingers pointing towards the tops of your shoulders;
  • Start rolling backward until all your weight rests on your shoulders. Your spine beneath your shoulders and your rear end should be raised in the air;
  • Now, kick your legs directly upward with all your might. The key here is to kick as forcefully as possible in an upward direction, avoiding any angle. Your body will ascend due to the force of your leg kick;
  • As soon as you sense your momentum shifting upward, exert strong pressure with your hands. Imagine you’re performing a reverse push-up and push as vigorously as you can. Strive to make this movement as explosive as possible. At this point, there’s no turning back—you’re committed to completing the kick-up!;
  • Prepare to land in a squat. As you experience that fleeting sensation of weightlessness just before descending, swiftly pull your legs downward. Snap them down with vigor, and the resulting momentum will cause the rest of your body to rotate upwards. Aim to land on your toes first, and you’ll find yourself magically back on your feet.
Man warming up his legs using a railing and standing on the stairs

Method 2: Starting Face-Down

  • Ready to learn the technique for a face-down start? Follow these step-by-step instructions;
  • Begin by lying face-down on the floor. Keep your head facing forward, ensuring your neck remains comfortable, with your chin pointing downward without touching the floor. Your arms should be positioned on the floor in front of you, bent at the elbows so that your hands are just beyond your face;
  • Bend your legs at the knees and curl them up, ensuring that your heels are touching the back of your thighs;
  • Place your hands flat on the ground next to your ears. When performing a face-down kip-up, you have the option to use flat palms or fists—whichever feels more comfortable for you;
  • Now, kick back forcefully with your legs while simultaneously pushing up with your hands. Move your arms as if you’re executing a push-up while vigorously flipping your legs back. The combination of the momentum generated by your legs and the upward push from your hands should enable you to flip into a squatting position.

Helpful Tips for Perfecting Your Kip Up Technique

Here are some valuable tips to assist you in mastering the kip up:

  • Overcome Fear: Don’t let fear hold you back. Start practicing on soft, level ground to build confidence and minimize the risk of injury. Embrace the challenge and go for it with determination;
  • Focus on Hand Power: If you find yourself falling onto your back, it’s a sign that you’re not pushing off with enough force from your hands. Building strong triceps is crucial for this maneuver, so give it your all during each attempt;
  • Avoid Over-Collapsing: When executing the roll, avoid pulling your legs excessively over your head. Over-coiling can hinder your ability to straighten out properly in the air when landing. Maintain control and balance throughout the movement for a successful kip up.


Learning the Kip Up, a dynamic move often seen in martial arts films, is achievable with the right technique and practice. Whether you choose the face-up or face-down method, it’s all about mastering the steps, focusing on hand power, and overcoming fear. Perfecting the Kip Up can enhance your martial arts skills, improving your agility and strength. So, embrace the challenge and elevate your abilities.