We extend our salutations to those eager for insights about our Learn More Parkour platform and its creators.

We, Jonathan and Thomas Tapp, mirror-image twins, have been immersed in the disciplines of parkour and freerunning since the year 2004. Our journey in these athletic arts has opened doors to myriad exhilarating experiences.

A Spectrum of Achievements

Our escapades include: 

  • Performing in both national and international commercials;
  • Conducting Parkour and freerunning workshops across the United States;
  • Performing live shows for some of the world’s leading companies;
  • Collaborating on product development for innovative sports equipment;
  • Competing in the inaugural Red Bull Art of Motion competition in the United States;
  • Showcasing their skills on popular TV shows such as Castle and Surviving Jack;
  • Assisting with stunts and course consulting for the famed American Ninja Warrior;
  • Briefly joining a circus.

Despite our extensive involvement in parkour, our initiation into this realm came relatively later in life. It was at the age of 15 when the world of parkour first unveiled itself to us, initiating a period of playful experimentation. Serious dedication to the art began around the age of 17. Prior to this, our athletic pursuits were confined to soccer and track, with no gymnastics background to speak of.

Our upbringing in a modest Texan town did not provide the luxury of gymnastic facilities or mentors. Thus, our mastery of parkour and freerunning techniques was self-taught, a journey marked by numerous setbacks and physical trials. However, perseverance led us to discover effective methods for learning these movements.

The Motivation Behind Our Website

This very challenge inspired the creation of our website. Our aim is to impart the knowledge and techniques we’ve honed over the years, sparing you the arduous path of trial and error that we endured.

We offer a pathway to mastering parkour movements in a fraction of the time it took us, presenting safe and straightforward methods.

Filling the Online Tutorial Void

Another impetus for establishing our site was the scarcity of quality online tutorials for parkour and freerunning. Our objective is to fill this void, providing you with top-notch tutorials and articles to elevate your skills and assist you in achieving your parkour and freerunning aspirations. We aspire to nurture a succeeding generation that surpasses us in skill, spreading the joy and positive spirit of parkour and freerunning.


The evolution of parkour, from a niche sport to a global phenomenon, has been quite remarkable. And pioneers like the Tapp brothers have played a significant role in this transformation. Their journey, from self-training in a modest Texan town to performing on international platforms, is an inspiring tale of determination and hard work.

Their insights and lessons, shared through the Learn More Parkour platform, strive to make the learning process easier and more enjoyable for new enthusiasts. It serves as a testament to their vision of spreading the thrill of parkour and fostering a more skilled, dedicated, and passionate generation of parkour and freerunning enthusiasts. With the Tapp brothers as your guide, the world of parkour is at your fingertips!

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