The Tic Tac is a foundational movement in parkour, enabling practitioners to efficiently use walls or objects to propel themselves towards another ledge or obstacle. This maneuver is a cornerstone in parkour training, vital for effectively scaling larger structures and enhancing overall agility.

Step-by-Step Guide to Performing a Tic Tac

This tutorial breaks down the process of executing a Tic Tac, from the initial approach to the transfer of momentum. Mastering this move is instrumental in advancing to more complex parkour techniques that incorporate the Tic Tac.

Practical Applications of the Tic Tac in Parkour

Beyond its functional use in navigating urban environments, the Tic Tac is also humorously touted as a critical skill for hypothetical scenarios, such as a zombie apocalypse. Its versatility and practicality make it an indispensable component of parkour training.

Training Tips for Mastering the Tic Tac

Consistent practice and understanding the mechanics of the Tic Tac are crucial for proficiency. This section provides tips and drills to solidify this skill, ensuring a strong foundation for further parkour development.

Connecting with the Parkour Community

For comprehensive parkour programs, tutorials, and a supportive community, consider joining the Parkour Academy. Additionally, follow our journey and access more tutorials through our social media channels:

Comparative Table: Parkour Shoes for Optimal Tic Tac Performance

Shoe ModelTypeKey Features for Tic TacPrice RangeWhere to Buy
FeiyuesMinimalistSuperior grip, lightweight design$American Parkour Store
Onitsuka Tiger Ultimate 81RunningFlexibility, comfortable fit$$$Amazon
Nike Free RunRunningResponsive cushioning, flexibility$$Nike Store
Merrell Vapor GloveMinimalistBarefoot feel, excellent traction$$Merrell Store
Adidas Swift R2 GTXTrail RunningDurable, waterproof, good grip$$$Adidas Store

Parkour Beginner Guide: Starting Your Parkour Journey

Parkour, a discipline focused on efficient movement through environments, combines agility, strength, and creativity. For those new to parkour, this guide provides an introductory framework to start practicing safely and effectively.

Fundamental Techniques for Beginners:

  1. Rolls: Learn how to roll to absorb impact and prevent injuries;
  2. Vaults: Basic vaults like the safety vault and speed vault help navigate over obstacles;
  3. Wall Runs: Mastering wall runs enables you to scale higher obstacles;
  4. Precision Jumps: Develop accuracy in jumping from one point to another;
  5. Balance: Practice balancing on rails and narrow surfaces to enhance control.

Essential Parkour Training Tips:

  • Start Slowly: Begin with basic movements and gradually increase difficulty;
  • Focus on Safety: Always practice in a safe environment and use proper techniques to avoid injuries;
  • Consistency is Key: Regular practice is crucial for progression in parkour;
  • Physical Conditioning: Include strength, flexibility, and endurance training in your routine;
  • Learn from Others: Join a parkour community or class to get guidance and motivation.

Choosing the Right Gear:

Invest in comfortable, durable clothing and appropriate footwear, as outlined in the comparative table above, to enhance performance and safety.

Connecting with the Parkour Community:

Engage with local parkour groups, online forums, and social media channels to gain insights, share experiences, and find training partners.


In this article, we have delved into the intricacies of the Tic Tac technique, a pivotal move in parkour that facilitates smooth and efficient navigation through urban landscapes. The step-by-step guide aims to help practitioners master this fundamental skill, essential for scaling walls and overcoming obstacles with agility and precision.

The comparative table of parkour shoes provides a unique perspective on selecting the ideal footwear for optimizing Tic Tac performance. The right shoes can significantly enhance grip, comfort, and control, contributing to the effectiveness of the Tic Tac and overall parkour experience.

Mastering the Tic Tac is more than just learning a move; it’s about understanding momentum, body mechanics, and spatial awareness. It forms the basis for more advanced parkour maneuvers and is crucial for anyone serious about developing their parkour skills. Remember, consistent practice, proper equipment, and a supportive community are key to progressing in parkour and unlocking its full potential.